Location: Graha Majapahit, Mataram, NTB
Designer: Panglima Erlangga
Contractor: WK Interior
The idea is to create small budget home interior decoration within a small house. I decided to create furniture which is inexpensive to create. Thus I applied wood-working looks alike furniture using plywood layered by High Laminated Pressure (HPL). I chose two prominent HPL with Walnut textures.
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The Indonesian style of home-living interior, conventionally, is that there are two living rooms available. First one is as a lounge for hosting guests. The second one is as common room for family. Thus actually if you say Living Room, that refers to a lounge for Guests.
According to the culture I've elaborated early, It was no chance to create two living rooms. Thus I design a common room suitable for guests and family. That is why the title of this project named: Small And Sweet Home Living.