Small And Simple Bedroom For Kids

Client: Agus
Location: Bale Pelangi Lombok
Interior Contractor: WK Interior

I have two rooms to design. Both are about 6,50 metre square. My objective is to accommodate all kid's activity and to provide enough storage for kids to keep their stuff so their bedroom will always be tidy.

 Click image to enlarge

As you can see on picture above, this bedroom accommodates all kid's activity such as sleeping, study, playing games, watching tv and wardrobe activity. Storage is provided well beneath the bed to avoid messy look.

The idea is to create connection between two rooms through colour. The picture above is the elder brother's room. His favourite colour is orange and the younger one is green. Initially, I apply their favourite colours onto the wall. The next step is to reduce the prominent colour with white and create colour accent with combination of dark grey and the favourite colours of his brother, which is: green.
Following picture is his young brother's bedroom.

Click image to enlarge

As you can see, the same colour concept has been applied. Orange which is applied as prominent colour in the elder brother's room is getting applied as colour accent in the younger one. This is what I am saying about: Connection.